Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disorder
What is Parkinson's Disease
Get in sync with your movements through Physical Therapy
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common degenerative brain disorder affecting adults. It was first defined only as a “motor” (movement) disease, but research has shown that it also causes other symptoms like dizziness and depression. Parkinson’s disease is related to loss of nerve cells in the brain that produce a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine along with other chemicals when in balance control movements, thought processes, decision making and moods. Because there is no one definitive test for PD, it can be difficult to diagnose. A diagnosis is based upon a patient’s medical history and neurological exam. Exact cause of PD is not yet known- family history, aging or exposure to certain toxins can lead to its onset. The severity and rate of progress can vary widely. Some individuals can have a slow decline in mobility and thinking over 20-30 years while in others it can progress much more rapidly.
How does PD affect an individual
- Symptoms like decreased sense of smell, sleep problems and light headedness when first standing up, constipation, limb pains, neck and back can begin many years before tremors and other movement symptoms develop.
- Initial movement symptoms are often tremors starting in one hand.
- Smaller and slower movements along with joint stiffness and rigidity make daily activities like dressing, showering, turning in bed, take longer.
- Speaking with a quieter, softer voice.
- Decreased balance and stability.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Decreased facial expressions and spontaneous movements like arm swing when walking.
- Urinary urgency and incontinence.
- Difficulty paying attention to a task for a longer period of time or limited divided attention.
- Fatigue, depression and anxiety.
Physical Therapy can help you combat & manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease to make activities at home and in the community much easier
Combat & manage the symptoms of
Parkinson’s disease to make your daily activities much easier
How can a Physical Therapist help
PD can make daily activities seem frustrating and time consuming. Your PT will partner with you and your loved one to help you combat and manage the symptoms of PD. As your condition changes your treatment program will be adjusted to help you be as independent, safe and active as possible. The focus improving the bigness and speed of movements. We use exercises incorporating large movements, boxing moves for speed and force, dynamic gait and balance exercises to improve reactions and walking. An patient-centric program 3 days a week for 8-10 weeks followed by periodic 2-3 week sessions as the condition changes, is shown to be effective. Equal emphasis is on providing you with tasks for home to carry over the gains made during your PT session. Theses tasks lead up to a greater goal that is of significance to the patient.
Send us your details and we will get in touch with you.